Site.Seminars-jun-4-13-volta-seminar-scaling-webapps History

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November 26, 2013, at 08:40 PM by -
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''Lunch and Learn - Scaling WebApps (Volta Halifax 12:00-1:00pm)''
'''Lunch and Learn - Scaling WebApps (Volta Halifax 12:00-1:00pm)'''
November 26, 2013, at 08:40 PM by -
Added lines 1-14:
''Lunch and Learn - Scaling WebApps (Volta Halifax 12:00-1:00pm)''

* Learn what it takes to successfully scale a web service and what to think about when you are building a product that needs to scale quickly.

* What are different platforms which have evolved to meet these requirements
* What are some things you need to think about
* Picking what works for you?

* All this and more! :-)

Presented by Tim Chipman of Fortech IT solutions

'''Seminar Slides''' are now available [[ Attach:jun-4-13-volta-fortech-scaling-web-apps-seminar-slides.pdf | for download. ]]